
I'm a software engineer turned data analyst. Almost every piece of code I've ever written has been connected to data in some way: displaying data, transferring data, searching for data, you name it. When I realized that I cared more about understanding the data than I did about building interfaces, I decided to make the switch to data analysis. While I've been on sabbatical, I've completed the Google Data Analytics Certificate and have been volunteering with 350 Seattle, an environmental non-profit, on a campaign to reduce carbon emissions from large buildings. (And I wrote a book, but that's another story.)

In my spare time I teach Talmud, in the original Aramaic and Hebrew, to adults who haven't studied Talmud previously. This is basically like handing someone a copy of the original Magna Carta and a Latin-English dictionary and showing them how to walk through both the grammar and the legal logic at the same time. It's a blast. I'm currently at work on a Hebrew grammar textbook to make Hebrew grammar accessible to people outside the academy.
